Khim's site research: Yaowarat, Charoen Krung Road

Why This Site?

Yaowarat is undeniably one of the places submerged with a richness in tradition of the shophouses. Some shophouses within Charoen Krung road was said to be there for more than 50 years; not only they are rich in culture, they are also rich in tradition, in their origin. In comparison to the areas which have changed over time, they are still very "pure".

However, a part of them was now "tainted".

What I personally considered to be erotic was "something pure that got tainted", in which the site at Charoen Krung Road has shown the quantity of getting "contaminated" by the approaching technology of the MRT construction of the Wat Mangkorn Station which causes the traditional shophouses to be brought down in exchange.

Exploded Axonometric View of the Site

A: Commercial / Business Area
B: Restaurants
C: Hotels / Accommodations 
D: Demolished Shophouses

Dividing the areas within investigation, with the main focus being at the old and the new building of Beijing Tong Ren Tang, a well-known herbal store; it was one of the shophouses which got demolished due to the MRT construction. 

(*The focus was later changed to the "alley" in front of the affected shophouses, in which the operating shophouses within the area got "covered" by the construction wall, destroying their chances in business; upon an interview, this will continue for another 4 years)

The shophouses within the "D" area

Opposite of the destroyed shophouses are the "affected" 
shophouses which got blocked by the construction wall

The MRT Research

A research through the MRT lines: the line which got involved is the 
"Blue Line Extension" which consists of Wat Mangkorn Station

The shophouses that got covered was not planned to be demolished, they simply got "covered" by the construction wall, unable to hold their businesses and wiped away from the main road's visibility.

1: The entrance to the "affected" alley

2: The lighting condition within the alley solely depends on the 
shophouses within the area; the pathway itself is dark and cramped.

3: Upon interview, the shops relies mainly on their frequent customers. 
New customers are rare, since very few of them has noticed the 
"existence" of the shops beyond the construction area.

4: Signage has been made in substitution of the loss of visibility. 
Shops are harder to find, and thus required "direction boards"

The MRT construction: What lies below the ground?

The section displaying the difference in scale between the areas of the MRT has 
overtook and a 4 stories-high building (in this case, Beijing Tong Ren Tang)

The Study on Beijing Tong Ren Tang: The Separation of Floors

The History of the Incidents Happened on Beijing Tong Ren Tang, Thailand

The Previous Program

Initially, the plan was to focused on Beijing Tong Ren Tang and the situation it was facing against the construction of the MRT station. However, the building was unfortunately demolished and moved to Padung Dao Road.

The new "program" is focused around the shophouses within the tainted alley which got covered by the construction wall: how can the area cope with the remaining four years of the construction, how they survive, and how they adapt to it.

How would the "tainted" one regained their honor?

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