First, I am interested in the project called "Boy Scout" from Elmgreen & Dragset
that offers two bunk beds that face each other suggesting the homosexual urges that may occur in adolescence and the organization that so adamently tries to squelch these tendencies.
When I look into this 2 pictures and combine them together,
I was thinking about the gab between the floor and toilet wall
My first experiment in the toilet
Because of myself, I stated the definition of Eroticism is that
"The sudden feeling created when human minds become curious trigger by curiosity"
Normally when people came into the toilet they will see the gap from their
vision even they don't have to bend down to look at. This will noticed
the user that they might have the others people using this room or not.
But if we saw it in different feet in the sitting position maybe they are
two people using same room at the same time?
The first think that will happen created by human's instinct is the Curiosity.
With a comment from my instructor that the "Bathroom Gap" idea is rather more on a
negative way. I want back and totally agree with my instructor that this is more likely
a Voyeurism (The person who satisfy
by looking at
the naked bodies and
organs or observing the sexual acts of others.) and about the violation to the
personal private moment and express to the public space.
From this problems, I got the keywords as a "Strangers" that they are 1 artist
that about his/her artworks were about to follow the stranger and express it
by a photographer, films or an art installations.
"Sophie Calle and The chosen site"
Sophie Calle is a
French writer, photographer, installation & conceptual artist and
because of her Curiosity illuminate most of her
For me, Calle is a curious person, she
has the curiosity to works with the
stranger and investigating their private
One of her well-known art works called "The Address Book"
The Address Book 1983
The Address Book was about a series of 28 articles.
She found the address book on the
street and start to investigating a guys in the
book by using his telephone number.
When the articles was published, Calle was
sued by the owner of this book, a
filmmaker Pierre Baudry. She completely blurred the line between
private and public that
"The Curiosity that cause as an invasion
of privacy from the interface between public lives and private selves"
Here is the keyword for the installation that came from the different artists but
same in terms of the feeling for myself that was about "The Curiosity"
More over, one thing that both of this two artists have is
"They turn something ordinary to extraordinary"
Not only Elmgreen & Dragset use the bed but first when we look at, they are
something that interact and make me want to find out about this
but also Sophie calle too, even though she uses just the photography
but if we know what was the stories in the photographer came from,
it will be more interesting to the audience.
"408 Site"
I choose this site, the area in room 408 because of this site giving me
the feeling of the unique or outstanding.
Physically, the room 408 as itself means it is located at the 4th floor
but what make its special is that whatever the way you choose to goes up
to this room, even the any of the stairs in this faculty or a shortcut as a lift,
the only way that to reach into this room is to take the stairs that
highly customized for this room only.
The uniqueness of this faculty in
terms of “Nisit”
myself is
their are something such as
sense, personality to indicate that this is
architect student . An ornament?
408 site's perspective view by ShetchUp
408 site's front view by ShetchUp
"More inspiration from the movie"
4 interlocking stories all connected by a single gun all converge at the end and reveal a complex and tragic story of the lives of humanity around the world and how we truly aren't all that different. In Morocco, a troubled married couple are on vacation trying to work out their differences. Meanwhile, a Moroccan herder buys a rifle for his sons so they can keep the jackals away from his herd. A girl in Japan dealing with rejection, the death of her mother, the emotional distance of her father, her own self-consciousness, and a disability among many other issues, deals with modern life in the enormous metropolis of Tokyo, Japan. Then, on the opposite side of the world the married couple's Mexican nanny takes the couple's 2 children with her to her son's wedding in Mexico, only to come into trouble on the return trip. Combined, it provides a powerful story and an equally powerful looking glass into the lives of seemingly random people around the world and it shows just how connected we really are.
Three interconnected stories about the different strata of life in Mexico City all resolve with a fatal car accident. Octavio is trying to raise enough money to run away with his sister-in-law, and decides to enter his dog Cofi into the world of dogfighting. After a dogfight goes bad, Octavio flees in his car, running a red light and causing the accident. Daniel and Valeria's new-found bliss is prematurely ended when she loses her leg in the accident. El Chiro is a homeless man who cares for stray dogs and is there to witness the collision.
"Hua-Med and Installation"
In Thai architecture, Hua-Med is the decoration part of the short pillar. It purpose is not for the load barring structure but to create and emphasis either the entrance or boundary. Moreover, it use as a symbols in faculty of architecture Chulalongkorn University, stated by Aj.Nark Protiprasart who was the founder for this faculty. He phrased that Hua-Med is the highest component in Thai architecture so, it would be the advantage to use it as a symbol for this faculty too.
"Every different things connected by one situation."
"We can say that it turn something unrelated to related."
I used them and adapted to my installation by first, I expanded the site
in to the whole main staircase in the faculty, separated on to the floor with
the encounter. The audience will get the curiosity when they saw the
different encounters and then everything will be connected by the "Answer"
on the 3rd floor by using the projector showing Hua-med.
The reason why Hua-Med is the answer is because of it give
me a sense of uniqueness in terms of architect student.
Only for Chulalongkorn University will have this as a main symbols.
Circulation Diagram
The Main staircase side view showing the number for the encounter
and the answer projected by the projector on the 3rd floor
So, for those 3 encounters, they will be the encounter(s) that all related to Hua-Med.
As the article that I mentioned above about Hua-Med, the first encounter will
emphasis the entrance. The second encounter will create the boundary and the third
which is about the Hua-Med purpose in Thai's architecture that was a highest
"Emphasis Entrance"
Using the advantage by the given time for presentation the installation at
faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University that was about 7pm.
I used the light to emphasis where Hua-Med used to be in the stairs component
The original one will be located on top of the short pillar of a stair.
"Create Boundary"
Using the idea from the labels "Please Keep Right" that turns/reminds
human’s sense in terms of an action about how to use the stairs correctly.
And the most important and interesting for this is that its automatically created the
boundary between two sides of stair by using
nothing but the human’s instinct.
More over to turn all of the audience becomes more aware of the boundary,
I try to used something that when whenever we saw it will make me feel scared,
being under pressure and unsafe. Considered as the wood with the nails extended
over and set it in the center of the stair so whenever the audience reach into
the second encounter, they will see the label as "Please Keep Right"
before they goes up on the stair and then, the wood with the nails
extended over will be set in all of the middle area on the every steps of the stairs.
"Highest Component"
As a purpose of Hua-Med in Thai's architecture that they are the highest
component, on the 3rd floor which is the highest area. I want the audience
still aware by the height so I labels "Look at what you achieve" and pointed
down to the ground floor by the arrows. On the ground floor have the labels
of "10.5 M." to reminds the audience that how hight are you now between
3rd floor and the ground.
As those encounter will give the curiosity to the audience,
As they reach in to this state, by the 3rd floor
which transform from the stair to the seat for the audience
that they can watch the adobe-flash of Hua-Med projected
to the wall covered by the white paper for the
quality between audience's vision and the projector
This still using the same concept of Curiosity and turn something ordinary
Moreover, this related to the conceptual of the Uniqueness for the chosen site.
to extra ordinary.
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