Venturi and Postmodernism

The postmodernism architecture is the style of the building that tells the story or the purpose of the building without any question of the viewer. This is completely different from the modernism concept, which hold a lot of secret and make people guessing and wondering about the form and function of it. The modernism uses the honest material but the postmodernism uses the honest form. For example, the Duck house of Robert Venturi, the design is as simple as a duck shape house that inside is a duck house. The duck house is like a kind of a land mark that let the people know what is inside.

The Postmodernism is developing after the modernism. As we all know, the modernism is originated after the world war, so this is become the reason that modernism holds concept of starting from zero. And because of starting from zero all its need is the consistence unchanging uniform. This come the glass box. It is all similar to each other which people will feel nothing about it and will get boring soon or later. This come the postmodernism which it is like breaking the law of a same design with a fantasy and outstanding form. The postmodernism building’s design is quite hilarious to me according to its cute form and some of the building has a very innocent design. I think it is something that funny to look at. But I personally feel that even though it has a cute innocent shape with the genuine form and function, it is likely to lack of people attraction. I mean it will caught people attention only the first time different from the feeling that I have to the modernism. I feel like it is more powerful in spite of the fact that it is more thoughtful and letting go the imagination of the viewer. I think the bad thing about showing everything is that it doesn’t let the people to think beyond it , people didn’t get to imagine what it is because the building already tell the answer too soon. 

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