Pat's shophouse research : Zoning: Public: Private: Separation: Connection

Pat's ShopHouse from Patmala Boondej on Vimeo.

This video focused on the separation and the connection between public area and private area in the shophouse . In the 1st phrase of the video public area started on the 1st floor where the entrance was, and ended at the stair. Private area started at 1st floor stair and ended on 3rd floor. Then once the stair cases were moved forward, private area was extended. This showed that the stairs indicated a boundary line between private area and public area in each floor. In the next phrase, I moved an entrance to the 2nd floor. The result was that public area was on the 2nd floor while 1st and 3rd floor were turned into private area. For the last phrase, I had the entrance on the 3rd floor connected to the skywalk. Public area turned out to be on the 3rd floor when the 1st and 2nd floor became private area. The video also showed the dimensions for a generic shophouse, and how it was assembled.

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