Pang's site research: Phra Arthit Road

The concept is negative and positive space.
This site analysis basically focuses on the different type and purpose of building and how the building was changed over time.

Phra Athit Road: located between Phra Sumet Fort and Phra Pinklao bridge in Phra Nakorn district. This area is mentioned as an old Bangkok since it used to be a center of Thailand. This Road preserves traditional Thai culture, not only the people who lives there, but also the architecture which can hardly be found anywhere else in Bangkok.

The site - axonometric showing the site surrounding, Road, circulation and buildings categorized
 to be 3 different types which are house, shophouse and palace (bungalow).

The historical shift and timeline shows how the building was changed over the time. Shophouse was  renovated for example, add some glass or paint color in order to make them more modern, yet some still maintain an old structure which mainly used wood. The palace turned to be government offices that preserved same architecture looking. This can see the contrast between the different side of the Road, Left (palace) was tried to keep an old thing just repurpose of use, while another side is continuously changed by time and its function.

This shows the relationship between the program and architecture look in the site.

This shows the relationship between people and the program in the site. 

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