Site Analysis
There are many defunct, abandoned shophouses. Young people doesn’t want to live in it anymore, while the old still does. By introducing these programs into the shophouse is for to revive the shophouse for it to be able to function again at full capacity of it’s potential. Originally the building itself only have dual function, as a resident and a shop but there are still surplus capacities waiting to be used.

Too revive it, the shophouse itself will contain programs that are normally not found in it. By introducing multi-functionality, the shophouse becomes a system of shifting where the programs activates different time of the day.

The system is to sequence the programs activate at different times of the day, simultaneously for each floor. The building becomes more autonomous. The system would consist of human powered shifts and automatic shifts.
Map of Yaowarat

Analysis of 5 sois of Yaowarat to extract behavioral pattern in the duality of the shophouses. Photos were taken at designated sois from 9am-13pm and at 11pm.

 The photos are condensed into smaller sets of photos located in each of the 5 sois to compare different time of the day of the shophouses.
 Observation translated into plan and section diagrams. The diagrams are to display the shophouse behavior more clearly.
 Proposals of the of how it can transform into multi-functional shophouse from normal dual program shophouse.

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