Khim's proposal: The Tainted Purity

One of the subjects that I found to have erotic qualities is the "purity that got tainted". 

This project aim is to "regain the honor" of the tainted subject, by implying on how to cope with the situation
 of the taint (construction and the coverage of site hoarding walls) during the remaining 4 years of the MRT
 construction in front of the blocked, traditional shophouses.

The Overview of the Project

The Erotic Site Research: The "blocked" row of shophouses

Master Axonometric: Extruding the systems within the proposed project
[1) The Lottery System  2) The Memory Wall  3) The Movable Transaction]

The Condition of the Site Prior to the Project Installation

Leading back to the installation of Project 2 which revolves around "the tainted purity", 
this proposal came about in regards to the site, at Charoenkrung Road in Yaowarat, 
where the traditional shophouses with historical backgrounds (the "purity" of tradition) 
are being knocked down in order to build the MRT (the "taint" of the approaching technology). 

The construction causes a part of the row of the shophouses to be "blocked" 
even though the business themselves are still operating. This means, the visibility 
of the shophouses are reduced, and respectively the customers and visitors. 

The blocked shophouses; the state of before and during the construction

After the construction: Will the visitors increase and revive the area?

The Effects of the Site Hoarding Wall


The Affected Area from the Construction

Researching on Similar Conditions: "Exodus" by Rem Koolhaas
Depicting the desperation to cross over to the other side and be released from the blockage.

The Project

The proposed project is focused on the revival of the blocked, operating shophouses. 
The aim is to make the "forgotten" shophouses "re-emerge" into its surrounding area
and be prosper once again in visitors and witnesses.

Introducing the System

The first floor of the shophouses have been relocated to the second floor. 
Thus, the "non-visible" aspects will once again become "visible", with an attached platform to enter 
the shophouses directly to the second floor via a movable, wheeled-ladder to show the surrounding 
area that "the shophouses are still in operation" and that they are still "accepting visitors".

The enlarged and extruded view of the system

The Lottery System:

The system is introduced to provide a "lottery" platform which allows 
people to draw their luck and exchange the lots of the winning 
number with the shop's "promotion" to attract more visitors into the shophouses.

The Movable Ladder and the Memory Wall:

The Movable Ladder: To allow direct transaction into the second floor of the shophouses

The Memory Wall: To paint the hoarding-construction wall, overlay it with white, to be able to "write" on it.
 Rather than being a nuisance that blocks the view for another 4 years of the construction, the wall turns into
 a memory note of the visitors who stumbled upon the area, and the residents who lived on with it.

The Axonometric View: The Site and the Destroyed Shophouses

The Demolished Shophouses: Located directly in front of the site
The Raised platform on the movable ladder allows the users to see the "on going change" 
or the "taint" in realization of the occurring incidents

The Existing Shophouses: The current prosper of the area, located right beside the blocked shophouses
The system allows the the site to re-emerge into the visibility of the prospered area

The Erotic Illustration

Depicting the state during the construction, to the revival of the purity, 
as the ravished maiden regains her "honor".

The Model

One Fragment of the Site hoarding Wall

Direct Transaction:
The wheeled-ladder which outwardly connects 
the first floor to the second floor

The Lottery Counter:
Towards the second floor, a lottery counter is placed to 
provide the exchange of the Lottery System

In Front of the Shophouses:
The lottery box and the wheeled, sliding ladder

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