Credit's installation drawings

After an experiment and research i came across and start to find the right location for installation and the stair at the back of elevator on the first floor seems to be very interesting. The first idea is to introduce all of the senses to this particular space. and enhances people to use this abandoned space more often

Smell introduction
Sound introduction

Touch introduction
Vision introduction
Temperature introduction

According to my diagram, and as you can see each are being categorize in different colors. This idea was then taken to create more experiment specifically on the site

Experiment 02: Sound

Speaker was introduced into elevator by using little speakers and playing different sounds inside and see how different sound creates different reaction to people.

Result to noise (White noise)

People notice since they walk in but the reaction to the noise is that most of them got annoyed by it and i was then later told to get rid of it

Result to music

So after the noise was introduced to the space the reaction from people are negative but then my idea is to turn negative space into positive space and i decided to use nice music to test for their reaction and the reaction from them is that some of them smiled and wanted to find out the source of the sound, which this means that it creates curiosity to people and this makes people wanted to experience the space.

Experiment 03: bubble wrapper stair

Not to distract and recreate whole new texture to the stair i've decided to test the reaction of people with first three steps of stair so that it could not be avoidable

Experiment 04: Smell

As we know food smells attracts people the most and so i wanted to try out how much or which area could effect people in surrounding areas the most, and as i've stated that my project is about nuance so i do not expect the reaction from people a lot.

Result of this experiment is people who walk pass the route with butter sprayed did not react to the smell but when i interviewed them most of them said that the smell was strong.

And after these experiments i took the result and introduce the sense that is most effective which are touch, smell, and vision (light)

Main point of my installation is to recreate a space which willchange their daily routine of using this path into something new and more attractive.

Location of installation is being located on the first floor connected with stairs to second floor.
1st floor
2nd floor

Installation is planned in a route which creates a loop so that visitor can then walk over the installation again whenever they want.

Installation starts with the introduction of smell which could attracts people, in this case from the experiment i continue to use butter smell to make the start of installation exciting and encourage people to walk inside to explore.

The next nuance visitor will experience is the texture and sound which will make them feel rush and walk through the stair quickly.

Second floor will gives a change mainly in color and sound

The last part of installation is the elevator where user will experience all the senses above but in a very strong senses. 

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