Guntana's Documentation and Post-Analysis on GOWL IN THE DARK


Final Installation
Inside The Toilet
The Light is Reflected up to the Ceiling

Glowing Ices


The First Invitation is Given to The Audiences
From outside, we could see some light coming through the ventilators, the audiences started to be curious whether what was happening inside.

Glowing Ices on the Floor
As the first impact after you get into the space, blue ices made you want to find out why How they were glowing in the dark. Some of the audiences started to use their foot to crack the ices.

They forgot how it is so disgusting when you have wet toilet floor! Its glow made them even forgot that their shoes might get dirty!

The Second Invitation has Arrived
Aj. Cheryl found out what was behind the door. She didn't even notice the black light.

The audiences investigating the space

One by one, the audiences get in to the small toilet, finding out what was inside. 

As for me, this was the moment when I really thought they actually forgot that they were in a dirty male toilet. The colors and light totally changed the space. The cool temperature from ice and tonic water scent totally created a difference.

A Fish in the Toilet

To play with the unexpectation. People don't normally expect to see a fish living in a toilet.

In the same time, the mirror on the wall was reflecting our expressions. I could investigate everyone reaction by it. 

Unconsciously, the audiences fulfilled the installation. They became a part of this work.


What was the first impact after you enter the space?

Changing by time?

Starting to melt


After finishing this project, my understanding towards the term "erotic" was changed. At first when I heard the word "erotic", I would think about sexualities and having affairs. To me, eroticism can be an effect that was cast over our mind. It can arouse you to have some kind of feeling whether it is happiness, sadness, anger, or curious. And at the right time, the right place, the right moment, you are allowed to experience those feelings.

As in my project, it is true that there were some unexpected events that made me unable to send out the feeling that I wanted to every audience, but I could say that it was success in the term of gathering people's attention, to make them curious and try to get into the space. The project, once, made them forget what was the space like without the installation. 

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