Kamsai's documentation and post-analysis on By Chance




Most of the reactions are not expected at all. Initially, I thought people would walk continuously under the installation, however, most of them stop at their first step in order to appreciate the light above. People also got tangled up in the wire, causing them to bend and move in different positions, which is quite unexpected. Moreover,  many of them accidentally walk into this field of wire because the copper wire is invisible in dim light. The only way to see the wire is when the LED light shines and reflected off its surface. Below are the images that I try to show how people move through the installation. Unfortunately, the unexpected black out makes it hard to capture these movements.

Erotic in my definition is the random meeting of two strangers and the attracting force between them. There are million of possibilities of interaction in this world, and the fact that only two of them react with each other means that they are a perfect match. There is no clear and certain explanation of this effect, but I think everything happens purely by chance. At that moment, a special reaction happens right at the point when they meet, which later lead to the maximum point in their relationship, or the so called climax. It starts from a small spark at the beginning, then develop into a big firework in the end, and this process is my definition of eroticism. In this piece of installation, I use hundreds of wire to represent unlimited possibilities, and I use light as a representation of a climax. When two strands of wire meet, they complete the circuit. They cannot be just any two wires, but they have to be the right pair. When the circuit is completed, the electricity from the battery is allowed to travel through, which triggers the light to shine. After person walks pass through that point, the light will disappear. I try to portray the idea of random meeting through the field of wire, at the same time I also consider the fact that two people can actually use this space as a meeting place. It can become a dating game, when two people follow the trail of light until they finally meet each other. Apart from having visual quality of twinkle light, it can also be an installation that attract random people and encourage strangers to meet and get to know each other. 

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