Munkong's documentation and Post analysis

Starting with stand on the start point and wear helmet
then audience can go around and play with the installation

audience started play with foam beats pool

After walking and play around the installation for the most comfort will gain to lay down on stand and lay with pillows and softy things

This site the main things that i want the audience to feels , 3 word that i mention the softy comfort and small happiness from normally day life that people doesn't care much about the feelings of things that they alwaystouch with my experiment people always touch things and seeking for the comfort and softy 
but doesn't notice themselves so one of  things that i want audience to know is the this thing the moment when you touch and feel's something and i want them to recognize and remember it with my installation it gives more than we can find in normal the other things is from the stressful life i want people to use my site to create and feel the comfort and small happiness to give them an escape from reality world to the pressure and have a little private time with yourselves , Because of my site is not too abandon not too quiet there always one or two people passing by when you enjoy yourselves with your small happiness when escaping the world and they see you it gives your the feeling of expose and disclose that gives the site more erotic 
enjoy your small happiness 

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