munkong's installation drawing and site info

Installation location
change from 2nd to 4th floor i found location that more interesting and i can play more with it 
it located in the corridor near locker at 4th floor 
My installation is in the corner at the end of corridor
Planing to use the corner to create space that people can comes inside and get in the installation

My site consist of 3 main parts 
1st one is stand 
my installation can contain two people at the same time
start stand in front of it left side is all blue carpet and for the left is various of cloths and object that have different textures and felling (left is normal comfort softy right is the exploration of new touches ) 
foam beats pool in the middle of the stand to put your feet in side and feel the beat same as a foot spa

2nd Helmet

Helmet making audience can feel touches of softness as same as the other parts of their body feel
helmet because it would make audience feel bad if i ask them to put their face and head to the ground also help audience can go and lay down in every spaces in installation without hurt themselves or meets hardness

3rd the site 
Installation  it installed with lot of materials that gives the same way feeling the softy and comfort
and also the color of the site every objects in the installation were sky blue blue and white
to give the feeling of cool and soft like fluffy clouds in the sky the comfort and softy for me it can get belong with the feeling of coolness dim light were installed in the big with box for adding more dim relaxed atmosphere

bucket will filled with foam beats and doll giving same feeling as the foam beats pool for feet but now for hands

carpet pillow and tissue paper were put in the installation for audience to play with

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