Ong's documentation and post-analysis

This project, Passionate bin, is designed for the concept of erotic. The installation took place at the main entrance of the faculty of architecture,which is a public space that everyone have to walk through it before entering the faculty. This free space haven't used for any purpose, so I decide to choose this site for my presentation. While the project was being install, people began to notice that there must be something happen here. They tried to walk,look around and figure it out what is going on. Some people climb to a high place to see from the high angle. It seems like they still have no idea, thus they began to wait. After the installation is done, I present my passionate bin by calling everyone to surround my work and send them an empty bottle to throw in that bin. The pattern of the bin,which is made from the transparent material with black curve line, attract their sight, and increase their incentive to throw the bottle. Those bottle flew away in the air, and going to the bin by those transparent plastic pipe. When the illustration is done, I explain to them about my concept that normally when talking about a bin, people try to get away from it as far as possible. It contains lots of unclean stuff,which made them not willing to get closer. On the other hand, this bin is different by looking from those reaction of people. They feel appreciated to get closer and throw those trashes into it.

Personally, defining erotic art is difficult, because there's no certain meaning about this word. In my opinion, I think erotic is something that can create a feeling of passion,which can persuade people mind to do something even they are not in the mood of doing that thing. According to my project, this passionate bin can achieve in what I've said about erotic concept. It attract people in many sense, for example hearing and sight,which is from the see through matter, when the bottle is rolling on the pipe, black curve line on itself or even the layers of shadow that the line create when catching with the light. As for me, this is what I think erotic is and this work can make people desire to put trashes to somewhere they belong.

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