Sherry's research on, Marina Abramović, James Turrell, and Nils Nova

  Rirkrit Tiravanija
" Untitled (free / still) "

Rirkrit has made a model of like a model of his apartment in the gallery which normally for most gallery people only visit the galley to see paintings, photographs, or sculpture. In the case of Rirkrit, he has put in like a food restaurant inside the gallery which is not normal. He has uses the 5 senses to call in people. For the first, he used the smell of the food and the sound of people who is eating at his area. Normally for gallery there are no sound because silent is needed for audience to concentrate on art work and no smell because food is not allow. Also, he model his apartment into this public space, food is serve 24 hrs. for all people and bed are also provided. For the sense of sight, Rirkrit has made it different too. He didn't just install a painting on the wall but he put in furnitures that can be use to sit and eat, dinning, and also wood as to create boundaries for his space. The space itself is not only expressing the word as for the food and the installation, but by this installation, people can also react to one another and also to the installation. People can talk to strangers who sit in front of them while eating curry and also react to the space, sitting, sleeping.

Marina Abramović
" Rhythm 0 "
 Marina has made interesting projects. Most of her project is too react to people and let audience react to her as a performer. In Rhythm 0, Marina display 72 object on the table with an instruction on the table telling that the audience can do anything to her with all the objects display on the table which she will take full responsibility. Marina has walked out of her comfort zone, because what she has done at first she wouldn't know what the people will do to her as she has given them full control of her body. Strangely, people do all things to her, stab her, give her things to hold, etc. For Marina, by doing this, she has experience new things in her life, do things which normal people wouldn't do but what also surprise her is the react of the people. She said " when people is given freedom, they would do anything", and that's true. People reaction towards her is also not normal because normally in our everyday life, we can't shoot a person with a gun or stab them and not get into jail, but with this performance, they are ALLOW to do anything.

James Turrell
"Skyspace 'Meeting' "

Nils Nova
illustrate photograph inkjet
Nils uses the technic of printing to make like a illusion of space to make complexity to the space. His work is so simple leaving people thinking of the materials that has been used in his work and that of the story behind every photos of his.

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