Pear's shophouse research: "Intimate Narrowness"

    The narrowness of the shophouse is my main interest, they are used mainly for storage and it leaves very little space for living. I made a research on how people manage to live within and zone such narrow space. 
Most people became familiar and intimate about the narrowness it became part of their living.

    The video shows the possibilities of what if the space gets narrower, will it be able to handle less or more people? Will the privacy of each space change?

     These ase studies from Drug Store, Vet Clinic and Restaurant respectively

It's noticeable that most spaces are just enough for one person to walk in. If another person walks in they'll either touch each other or have to try bending their bodies away. This can be referred to my last project of tactility, the close distance can give out very unique and probably erotic atmosphere.
More photos, from Drug Store, Mom & Pops and a townhouse

Hong Kong's minimal living spaces, these rooms are around 2.5 m x 1.5 m each
It's very interesting on how many functions these little spaces can handle at once

And as the shophouses come in sets, the middle part of the house get barely no sunlight at all because there are only openings in the very front and back. This could lead into quite an unhealthy life of darkness and humidity from poor ventilation. So I'm trying to find the possibilities of natural lighting system through roof/ceiling openings as wall openings wouldn't be so private.
Only artificial lights can help light these dark houses up...

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