Kati's Installation Development: Wandering in Wonder


Corridor on the 8th floor

The corridor on 8th floor has a very long and narrow passage way. It is bright space which is exactly what I want the site to be. Since it is a passage, people tend to walk pass and ignore. It isn't the place where people wouldn spend their time there. The diagram below shows the usage of the spaces and how the site doesn't have much interaction with people.

number 1 and 2 are classroom, number 3 is
storage and number 4 is the corridor.

As i walked through out the site, I found it quite boring because of its noiseless. However it also gives a feeling of a little bit scary but make me feel relax and calm at the same time. 

And before finding the concept, I was trying to find my definition of erotic. And I came up with many words to describe it as shown below.

I chose allure (but that is after I chose excitement, I tried with my installation but it doesn't work that well so I changed.)

allure is like charm which involves in eroticism. It is a highly attractiveness and able to arouse hope or desire. Alluring can also be define as seducing that leads to sexual intercourse.

After finding all these and researching on chosen artists. I decided to make that space more interesting, make it kind of alluring visitors to get into the site. I chose media devices to change its atmosphere by using audio.

Above is an example of mixed sound. I combined them all and experimented at the site. It didn't work that well since this is my first time creating sound and the corridor takes only 23 second just to walk through. So I discussed with my instructor then we came up with using photograph of the faculty which will be hanged along the passage in order to slow down the viewers and have more time to really get into the feeling.

The theme of photographs that came into my mind are going to be bright kind of living in the dream, nature things, birds and anything give a calm feeling. I chose this because I want to keep the relaxing feel in the site.

I took some photos and photoshop them, The result are like this..








The last one is the final photograph.

After knew how to use garageband, I finally created a proper soundtrack. 

So I had my friends listen to it, The result came out better than I thought. The sound does pull you in and give a feeling of living in wonder world. 

soundwave diagram

The diagram above shows the different type of sound I created before combined them for the final sound.

The tone of effects is like a very large bell, creating sound reflection which normally will give a mystery feel. But I
changed its pitch, made it higher to make it feel like dreaming.

And here is the example of bell sound.

I also used sound effects that you can find in the faculty. For an example, I made the bird sound to play exactly where the bird photographs were located. There are more like the sound of walking which i already modified it. I actually didn't use the one I recorded because it has too much noise that couldn't be use.

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