Kendo's documentation and post-analysis on "Perception"

Due to the power cut that occurred during the presentation, it affected the visibility of my installation and caused lack of light. Nevertheless, The presentation was still carried on with help from hand held flashlight.

My interpretation of "erotic" is the act of integrating a subject to another in the way that trigger your senses to outshine. The senses in this case consist of touching, seeing, tasting, knowing, hearing and smelling, which our normal daily lives may have us forgetting to notice what senses we have experienced. Therefore the intention of my installation is initially to have people engage in a scenario to become part of the installation, temporarily forgetting their daily lives. Secondly, reducing the ability to do a certain activity with created limitations to certain senses, in this case, seeing, which makes the users even more involved and attentive to their senses. This resembles my interpretation of erotic in integrating a subject to another. Ultimately, this installation is named "perception" as it allows users to perceive the norm differently, as the instructors were unexpectedly made to be in a dating dinner scenario and having them interact with each other as if romantically but in an abnormal way.

The installation is the medium that impacts users directly resembling how the studied term “erotic architecture” impacts their users. 

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