Khim's installation development: A Tainted Purity

STAGE 1:  Thinking & Exploring

Initially, I started off by finding out my personal viewpoint towards eroticism.

After achieving a rough idea of how I view eroticism, the idea is then moved on towards a space.
What is a pure and mundane space?

Personal View Regarding a "Pure and Mundane" Space

"An area in which common activities occur on a regular basis,
unchanging on a pace in which it was supposed to be.

For example, a campus is a "mundane" space executed for carrying out curriculums
towards students on a daily basis, a "pure" boundary for educational purpose."

Application to the Work of Lucio Fontana

How can I deflower this purity? How can I "taint" the purity?

Gasping the basic idea, I then move on towards the stage of experimentation.

STAGE 2:  Experimenting & Trying Out

From physical experimentation, I realized that the approach was still too 
"direct" in terms of tainting the purity. To explore on further, I tried the 
concept on a digital format in a form of a short animation as well.

(1)  Splashing "dirt"
(2)  Ejaculation

(3)  Dispersal of Blood

This, as well, is too direct in terms of expression.
Having an interest in Prototype 3, I decided to develop it further
in order to break away from a "direct" and "physical" crumble.

How can I crumble the purity? What is the "purity" in this context?

In order to specified the implication of "purity", I then searched for the site of the installation.

STAGE 3:  Site Analysis

Location:  The white room in front of the faculty, near the ATM box

Reason of choice: It is the only place in the faculty that there are no activities "assigned" to. 
The room has been left unused and therefore "unassociated" with any matters within the faculty.

A "pure (virgin)", an untainted room.

A sequence of room-entering

How can the room be tainted?

There are rumors that it might have been used as an i-Studio, a room for rent, a shop, 
and many other rumors, but none of those rumors have been confirmed.

A survey have been conducted towards 30 individuals 
(26 students, 2 shop keepers, 2 guards)

Based on the question
"What have you heard that the (white) room would be used for?"

The room might have been occasionally tainted by the rumors, 
but since there are no solid prove provided, the rumors soon fade away...
like the impurity that ravished the room at one brief moment, but disappear in another.

STAGE 4:  Development from Prototype 3 -  Crumbled Purity

Instead of crumbling a physical object, I tried to apply the crumbling effect on to the space.
A taint which will leave no traces and fade away in the next moment, like rumors...

The Crumbled Space

An attempt to apply a crumbling effect towards 
an existing space without leaving traces

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