Munkong's Installation Development

Research: Touch and Feeling
Starting from erotic I define as meeting and reaction together , especially touching and felling in every spot in your body and for someone won't notice about the felling so i want to show and make them feel the same way as I like and how I feeling it. This concept comes from when I am walking furniture store I like to touch the sofa and the bed to feel the softness of it and also for the fluffy thing such as carpet it makes me want to put my face on it.

 This picture can represent that “feeling”

Physical Connection
• Physical attraction
• Physical proximity and attraction
• Familiarity
• Culture and attractiveness
• Complementary traits and attractiveness

Touch (Sci) research in both scientific and psychological
Touch or somatosensory, also called tactition or mechanoreception, is a perception resulting from activation of neural receptors, generally in the skin including hair follicles, but also in the tongue, throat, and mucosa. A variety of pressure receptors respond to variations in pressure (firm, brushing, sustained, etc.). 

Finding things that attract people starting form words

 12 most powerful words to attract people

• Easy• Guaranteed• Health• Discover• Love• Money• New• Proven• Results
• Safety Save• You

26 most dangerous word
 • Buy• Difficult• Death• Obligation• Wrong• Failure• Fail• Decision• Bad
• Deal• Cost• Sell• Taxes• Worry• Loss• Hard• Contract• Pay• Worse
• Worst• Owe

From the research I try to use these word to combine and finding way to make people come and get attention what it look like what objects i need to have ? 
It end up with comfort

Feel that people loves to have
also we can link it to touch. We like to touch almost all of it will offer us or feel that we looking for is comfort, touch to meet the comfort. For other attractions to touch is to seek the new feeling. Coming up one of my favorite things to touch and feel it ... carpet 

Experiment 01 "It is feel good to touch or it just me"

I'm starting experiment here, Starting from me touching various of things around me and record it

Touch and attraction

Touching different types of gives completely different feeling

From above I just touch and grope around the carpet but if it was arrange in stack horizontal 

 Put arms inside! , a change to feel more with this soft cloth

 After record for myself  I need to record for others how I’m going to make a survey or ask people to touch something without making them feel disturb while I'm thinking my friends that come with me started to... (Without asking them...)

"THAT IS IT”, Case is solved no need for survey. I can tell that people are and always looking for comfort they don't need to get all of their body in comfort (lay on bed) but just a little only touching something soft can give their pressure and happiness a small happiness that happen when they touching it.  

Small happiness
Soft, Comfort what next? Small happiness, Happy that you gain in little amount of time that can bring you out of something and feels the happy.
 After focusing on carpet and cloth and somebody feel nothing for it? I'm back to think things that really attract people I found one thing

Bubble Wrap "The Life breaker" no one ignore this thing. Everybody loves to push it and make it break creating "POP" sound from my research why we loves to pop this thing so much because when you pop it. , it is the same feelings of success one of the easiest success you can gain in short amount of time that leads you to the small happiness putting you out of the reality escape form it the number of it is like endless you won't feel regret there still thousand more to pop and also it the harmless way to destroy something.

Same as the bubble Wrap i need to create installation that attract people to come and interact with it which my installation will offer audience a soft comfort feeling and it will makes you escape from the moment with the small happiness you gain when in it.

Location and installation concept
First design & location

2nd floor stairs in the corner

First draft

Using the corner and narrow walk path to force people look and know about something that install there
when they walk up or down they will look and even touch the wall . Orange path is possible place to install and also at the floor
more concept drawings

Forcing to people to touch the wall and sculpture when using this ladder
the sculpture itself fill with touchy elements to attract people making them use more time and spend time more the stairs

After this from more research and site analysis making i change the site and installation 
to the final one

 final concept sketch and develop from the previous design 
to making it more effective 

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