Pat's installation development: keep dark

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This was how I connected all the lights to a battery. I chose a parallel connection because if one bulb burnt out, the rest would still work properly. However, this connection has a problem. The reasons being all the bulbs share the power from a small battery, and since many bulbs are connected, there is a need for a bigger capacity of battery.  After connect the circuit, the bulbs lit for few seconds. Then the battery dies. After I talked to the battery shop, a person suggested me to use a car battery instead of my 3A motorbike battery. This try doesn't work because a car battery doesn't fit in a locker.    

There were two mechanisms that I thought of at that time to make an object fall out of a locker after it was opened. One was using a spring mechanism, and the other was a manual method. However, before getting started, I needed to fill up at the bottom of a locker so there wouldn't be a front piece to block an object when it was about to fall. I found out that in order for the spring mechanism to work, I needed (1.) a spring that could work with a certain force applied (2.) an object that had some weight to be able to push the spring (3.) a locker's door had to hold so the mechanism worked only when a person opened the locker, and (4.) the spring should go out straight not bend, so I might need an addition track for it, which would make an installing method even more complex. There are too many variables, so I chose to leave it there.

For the manual mechanism, I thought of a sequence of how I opened a locker, and how an object was being pushed. So I connected a piece of cardboard to a string, connect they in the locker, and tie a string to the locker's door. That mechanism worked well because no matter how heavy an object was a person would apply his force just enough to pull both the door and the object itself.     

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