- By 'openning up' a series of hidden emotions, you had a highly charged start
- This is shown very clearly on the works of art you picked but unfortunately they are missing in the blog
- Effort in luring around and outside Chula to capture the essence of these hidden emotional spaces is appreciated
- Installation concept using mirrored walls to disappear is very subtle and exciting
- Most of the great ideas spoken are sensitive but unfortunately they are not documented/designed with clarity and sensitivity
- That explains why the final product is rather disappointing. Box itself is sloppily made and most importantly it is incomplete inside
- Site chosen is also as inappropriate as it is hardly a public display of your provocative hidden space. It is chosen rather out of convenience perhaps?
- Tight control over budget/materials is highly applauadable. I will strongly encourage you to take that approach as an opportunity not a limitation.
- You are probably the only one using recycled materials from the campus. Good.
- By 'openning up' a series of hidden emotions, you had a highly charged start
ReplyDelete- This is shown very clearly on the works of art you picked but unfortunately they are missing in the blog
- Effort in luring around and outside Chula to capture the essence of these hidden emotional spaces is appreciated
- Installation concept using mirrored walls to disappear is very subtle and exciting
- Most of the great ideas spoken are sensitive but unfortunately they are not documented/designed with clarity and sensitivity
- That explains why the final product is rather disappointing. Box itself is sloppily made and most importantly it is incomplete inside
- Site chosen is also as inappropriate as it is hardly a public display of your provocative hidden space. It is chosen rather out of convenience perhaps?
- Tight control over budget/materials is highly applauadable. I will strongly encourage you to take that approach as an opportunity not a limitation.
- You are probably the only one using recycled materials from the campus. Good.