Sky's Installation and Development: 'Proxy'

Understanding the Meaning

Through all the researches and analyzing of the chosen artist, that would actually benefit and support my idea of installation, so now I will explained what is my meaning of 'Erotic', giving a clear image on what my installation will look like.

"In my understanding of Erotic is a feeling of attraction, some certain and specific attractive feelings. Thus Erotic is about an attractive feeling, which can pull us into the dark mysterious atmosphere, causing an 'eagerness' to 'embrace' them, to feel them, to touch them, to be one with them".

As my Erotic seems to be Embracing, so I analyzed each human body parts and senses that can possibly be embracing to the surroundings.

Vision: an experiencing of seeing something, illusion or images.
Physical: feeling something relating to your body parts, involving bodily contact or activity.
Taste: the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth when contact with surface or substances.
Scent: a distinctive smell, maybe pleasant or unpleasant.


Site Analysis

The site choosing is important, as the site should consist of something that have a texture for the people to feel, and the area can not be large, since I want people to 'embrace' the area, a limited space is required.


This site is chosen because of its limited size, plus the inconstant and rough texture on the wall of bricks.

Texture Detail

Outside Area

The site is granted with the extended floor outside the balcony, in which can be added more effects on the installation, if needed.

Site Measurement




Rewinding to Pipilotti Rist, on how her installation changes the atmosphere of the area, plus combining with the texture feeling of El Anatsui art works which related to 'embracing' leads to the installation idea.

When touched the texture the atmosphere will be different, this have to occurs in the dark time, where people are blinded by darkness. Thus the people will be forced into the limited narrow gap, which will automatically force to touch the texture of the wall.

The certain atmosphere that will create a totally different environment have to be carefully and precisely chosen.


Concept Idea

proxy |ˈpräksē|noun ( pl. proxies )the authority to represent someone else, esp. in voting: they may register to vote by proxy .• a person authorized to act on behalf of another.• a document authorizing a person to vote on another's behalf.a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation: the use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure.

Bringing the atmosphere from the outside view, the tree (where you could not reach from the site), to the installation by creating an artificial surrounding environment, or simply said 'proxy'.

Site relation to the tree

Tree Mapping Experience

To create an environment that will be very similar to the real atmosphere I have to extract every elements of the tree, and analyze them deeply in detail.

Every side of the site should be modified into an artificial environment that are extracted from the tree. The diagram will stimulate how each part of the site, walls and ground, will represent which elements.

It is a must that surrounding will be all dark, in order to make the installation most effective, so people will intensely focus on the image of the tree outside of the building.

Light Placement

Experience by Proxy

1 comment:

  1. The analysis of the site is very thorough, and the parallel of the site with the tree is quite sharp. You developed both conceptual and descriptive drawings that helped clarify your idea and provided you with tools for designing and making choices. I do strongly appreciate this process and hope you carry this forward in your design project.
