"Thu Tha's" installation development

My Chosen Site

7th Floor, by the main elevator                                                                                                                                                    


I chose this site because I really like the composition of this space, one plain solid wall with another wall with one window. Another reason is that the wind was really good and I thought I could use wind as part of my installation.

My First Idea

My first idea of the installation is to do something like Andres Amador's work. I want to use some kind of powder to create an image. Back then it was going to be a small one on a table by the window, that way my installation could then be blow away by the way according to the concept of impermanence.

Another idea is to create something and burn them down so that the audience could watch the piece being destroy from one big piece into ash. But eventually, this idea is too dangerous.

After a few thoughts, my idea starts to finalize and the next step is to test and try things in which i would choose to use for my installation.

Wind Diagram at the Site

As for this, I learned that most of the wind was coming from the right side at noon but as for the evening, most of them were from the left by the nearby window.

Site Stimulation

This is a stimulation of the site with the projected candle, just to get an idea of how it would be.

Powder Pattern

These are a few ways of making patterns with powders which I explored. The first type of powder I used was baby powder but the smell was way to strong.

 Another attempt of using baby powder but with different patterns. This is a pattern of a tree. I made these by making templates from chan-oy.

This is another one of the same pattern but when another material which is coal. Coal powder is made by crushing normal pieces of coal. 

1 comment:

  1. The design process proves how the project becomes stronger as it takes into consideration the elements in its context. This, I hope, will be one of the driving forces of you project: context, and how responding by adding elements that relate to it or simply altering the existing can be more than enough to create new spaces.
    The other aspect to take with you is the need for care and craft in the details when dealing with very subtle actions (details are always important but specially in cases where subtlety is the norm).
