Po's installation development and process

 I choose the site to be the Thai pavilion at the faculty because I like the culture identity it processed.
Thai House, is a house which function support for living in a tropical
climate. It’s characteristic make it suitable to live in a tropical cliamte.
It’s main characteristic are lift on stilt, double roof, curved roof, made
out of timber, consist of water source, compose of many small house,
many windows, and many trees.

The tropical climate is very hot, so the Thai house are made to avoid
the heat, or let the heat escape easily. It also allow wind ventilation
to enter through windows to helps cooldown the area, when
combine with a near by water source, the area is cool down during
the day time.

The ‘Sala’ or pavillion is a important part of the house. It is for gathering to do activity and receiving guest. It is also
place where people spend most of their time in. It’s characteristic are similar as the main house but no wall to
receive the full wind ventilation. Activities taken place in the sala includes music play, eating, and reading.

basic characteristic of a Thai pavilion

possible actions and usage that can be done around the faculty's Thai pavilion


This is part of the brochure I handed out on the exhibition day, showing research on football in relationship with Asian countries and influence it had on each other. I choose football because it play such a big roll in Thai society and yet it is something we taken it from western culture country. Football show a big contrast of Thai traditional culture, but some how it doesn't get notice as foreign, and blended in perfectly. It became part of a every day life in Thai society.

The chart shows the number of team in EU football league that has partnership with Asian companies. This show how football play a roll in Asian mind, where they can make profit where else, but rather invest in football

Below that it shows that football is a big part in Thai community, where many EU league are cast live for more than 400 matches per season, thus include both domestic and international match, and both league match and cup football.

and the map beside shows the number of Asian player are increasing in the EU football league. More team are to trust the Asian player for their performance. This show the yield of football in Asian culture.


There are three main places where people go and watch football, at home (alone and with friends are to be analyze separately), at a restaurant/bar, and live in a stadium

I went and watch football live at the national stadium and analyze comparing all three places to each other.
*Animation in order 1. stadium 2. restaurant 3. home(alone) 4.home(with friends)

comparing circulation of all the place

comparing the attention and focusing point of the user

comparing action during the match

comparing action at the moment where the goal is scored

comparing the action and activities of user

analysis of how people decide where to watch football, and how does the three different from each other in term of dressing and props.


media analysis

comparing two size of a television

analyze the effect direction the television is facing had to the crowd, where if it face directly, the crowd will notice and attract to it easily, while if it face the opposite the crowd will not know what is going on and pull in by the curiosity.

different television position effect the position of the user and how the user use the space

1 comment:

  1. The analysis is quite good and thorough but the hypothetical experience drawings are too reductive.
    Regardless, I think there is a lot of material here that will be of great interest in your design project relating very directly body and space, and user to user interactions.
