Title's installation development: Alone?!

Erotic installation development

Defining the word eroticism is somehow very personal. Eroticism can be related to many things many feelings or even actions. Sex is one of the most common subjects that people thought about when they hear the word erotic. Yes, sex is one of the thoughts that came into my mind, but just sex is not enough for me to define eroticism. Erotic for me is something that give a feeling of something unclear, pulls us into it, light in darkness. It’s a kind of feeling that let people think further. It is like standing in a room with very little light, looking at a shadow moving behind a curtain and wondering what’s behind it.

After doing researches on some famous artist I found that Rirkrit Tiravanija and also Elmgreen and Dragset were likely playing with the exhibition space more than playing the art piece it's self. 

To understand it easier, this diagram above is one of Rirkrit's art installation. By setting pots of food and  other equipments in the exhibition space, he allows the audience to become a part of his artwork, let them be a part of the space and interact, communicate with others.


The site where i decided to choose is the elevator in our faculty, the reason is because the elevator has a limited space, which is quite small and because the elevator is a public space where people use most of the time when they want to travel or move to another floor in the building. Different people will meet each other in the elevator.

Experiment to Framework

The interesting thing that caught me is, normally most of the time when riding through the elevator people don’t react to each other unless that they know each other well. They don’t talk to others, they don’t speak to others, everything just turns silent until they exit the elevator. This is actually happening now in the real world. 

This conceptual diagram shows how strangers in the elevator create their own boundaries. They can't see it but they can feel it by themselves.

The main goal of my art installation is to emphasize these situation and bring it to another level. This installation is to create a boundary between each other person in the elevator, because we don’t interact with other people, so there is no reason to see their faces. The installation somehow brings back the interest of a person, the new people coming will have the concerning feeling and they will want to communicate other people more.

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